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"Just have Brandon Smith speak over and over again about some random thing that makes the world better and the, on the last slide, turns out to make 4 times what he invested. I'd watch 50 presentations in a row."

Jeremy Goodrich, Owner, Shine Insurance



Over the last decade, Brandon has created a customized solution to ensure the right message was delivered to more than 650,000 people at events around the world.


Whether you’re an agency, association, carrier or industry conference, Brandon will help amplify the purpose you are trying to fulfill.



"Dream Again"


Join Brandon for an inspiring session aimed at empowering individuals from all walks of life to unlock their fullest potential. Discover the keys to breaking free from mundane routines and dare to dream again. Brandon will guide you through a transformative journey that encourages personal growth, resilience, and taking charge of your aspirations.

Learning Objectives

  • Rediscover Your Dreams: Gain insights into how to reconnect with your long-forgotten dreams and aspirations, reigniting your inner passions.

  • Embrace Proactivity: Learn practical strategies for being proactive in your personal and professional life, empowering you to take the driver's seat in your journey to success.

  • Overcome Fear and Take Calculated Risks: Understand how to identify and conquer the fears that hold you back, enabling you to take calculated risks and embrace new opportunities.

  • Commit to Excellence: Develop a mindset that refuses to settle for average, and instead, aims for continuous improvement and excellence in all aspects of life.

  • Choose Resilience: Discover the power of resilience and the determination to persevere through challenges, no matter how daunting they may seem.

"I want to see Brandon Smith back on stage. Sharp mind, excellent teacher, forward thinker, clean presenter, easy to listen to, well rehearsed, and extremely helpful."


Grant Botma

Founder of Stewardship



During this engaging session Brandon shares two compelling success stories that go beyond traditional business strategies. Discover how to leverage community engagement for remarkable returns and expand your online presence. Brandon will equip you with practical skills to build meaningful business relationships, boost your social media reach, and generate valuable leads within your local community.

Learning Objectives

  • Effective Relationship Building: Learn the art of building authentic and lasting relationships in the business world, leveraging Brandon's real-world examples of how genuine connections can lead to substantial ROI.

  • Maximizing Social Media Impact: Acquire actionable insights into expanding your business's online presence, specifically on social media platforms, to increase brand visibility and engage with your target audience effectively.

  • Community-Centric Marketing: Understand how to strategically engage with your local community to generate valuable leads and enhance your business's reputation, all while achieving a positive return on investment.

"If you have the chance to hear Brandon Smith speak sometime, you will really enjoy it. He does this better than any other speaker I've come across."


Nate Petersen

Owner at First Priority


Have you ever questioned the relentless pursuit of busyness and the elusive pursuit of happiness in your career and life? Join us for an insightful session where we explore the common dissatisfaction despite working tirelessly. Brandon will lead you on a journey towards a more intentional and balanced life by emphasizing the importance of effective time management. Learn how to prioritize what truly matters and create a well-balanced schedule that aligns with your aspirations and values.

Learning Objectives

  • Intentional Living: Gain a deeper understanding of the concept of intentional living and its transformative impact on your overall happiness and fulfillment.

  • Effective Time Management: Learn practical strategies for creating a functional schedule that optimizes your time, allowing you to achieve your goals while maintaining a work-life balance.

  • Prioritization Skills: Develop the ability to identify and prioritize the most important aspects of your life, helping you focus your time and energy on what truly matters to you.

  • Balanced Living: Discover techniques for achieving a well-balanced life that aligns with your personal and professional aspirations, ultimately leading to greater satisfaction and contentment.

"Solid message, gifted delivery."


Trish Nelson

Asst. Vice President, Region Manger, Safeco Insurance


"Mind the Gap"

In today's digital age, maintaining a harmonious balance between technology and personal relationships is crucial. Join us for an insightful session with Brandon, where he shares his team's strategies for building profound relationships while effectively leveraging technology. Discover how they convert a substantial number of digital leads annually. The primary aim of this session is to equip you with a proven plan that seamlessly integrates technology, ensures exceptional customer experiences, consistently yields positive returns on investment, and fosters enduring relationships.

Learning Objectives

  • Effective Technology Integration: Understand how to integrate technology into your business practices without compromising the quality of your customer relationships, ensuring a harmonious coexistence.

  • Customer-Centric Approach: Learn strategies to maintain an exceptional customer experience in the digital era, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • ROI-Driven Practices: Discover methods for consistently generating a positive return on investment through the strategic use of technology, ultimately contributing to business success and growth.

"I thought Brandon was the best speaker, both with content and presentation."


Kimberley Best

Human Resource Officer at TrailWest Bank


"Greatest of all Time"

In the insurance industry, the emphasis on new business often overshadows the equally vital aspect of client retention, with only 30% of agencies maintaining a balanced approach. Consider this: most conferences and training programs heavily prioritize marketing, lead generation, and sales, leaving retention in the shadows. Brandon, having recognized this gap, created a retention specialist role in his agency, leading to remarkable improvements in retention rates and cross-selling opportunities. Join us for an enlightening session where Brandon shares his proven systems and strategies to help you strike the right balance between acquiring new clients and retaining existing ones.

Learning Objectives

  • Balanced Business Focus: Understand the significance of maintaining a balanced focus on both new business acquisition and client retention in the insurance industry, and how this balance can contribute to overall agency success.

  • Retention Strategies: Learn effective retention strategies and systems that have been successfully implemented, including data acquisition and renewal strategies, to boost client loyalty and reduce attrition.

  • Cross-Selling Opportunities: Explore techniques to identify and capitalize on cross-selling opportunities within your existing client base, increasing revenue and enhancing the value you provide to your clients.

"I've been able to attend at least 4 events where Brandon presented and he always does an amazing job. He is willing to share his Yoda-esque techniques and follow up with advice after he speaks."


Casey Nelson
Founder & CEO at StakWise Data Automation


Thank you for your inquiry! You will hear from Brandon's team within 24 hours.

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